Current Weather Conditions at
Lake Norman
As of:  9:04am  07/27/24

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Radar Images

Southeast Radar | National Radar

Note: The readings below are recorded in Mooresville, NC by our
 Davis weather station (except the water temp) and updated every 5 minutes.

Current 74.0°
Today's High 74.0° at 9:04am
Today's Low 72.2° at 2:03am
Current 84.0°
Today's High 86.0° at 12:00am
Today's Low 84.0° at 6:27am

Water Temperature and Lake Level information

Humidity Current 90%
Today's High 94% at 2:05am
Today's Low 90% at 9:00am
More Wind information with charts 10 Minute Average 1.0 mph
Direction NE
Today's High 5.0 mph at 8:04am
Rain Today 0.00
This Month 7.17
This Year 33.10
Time, heaviest Rain ----
Barometer Current 30.026 in and Rising Slowly
Today's High 30.029 in at 8:59am
Today's Low 29.959 in at 4:57am
Sunrise 6:28a Sunset
Dew Point Current 70.9°
Wind Chill Current 74.0°
THW index Current 76.2°
Heat Index Current 76.2°
Air Density Current 0.0727lb/cu.ft
EMC Current 20.5%
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